Bernie Donnelly's Chorizo and roast pepper penne

Bernie Donnelly's Chorizo and roast pepper penne
Senior sous chef from the Pomme D'or Hotel inspires a simple midweek meal with a spicy kick
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Spaghetti 500g Coop Italian pasta 500g Co-op sliced chorizo 70g 1 white onion Co-op red peppers 2 clove garlic;


1. Fry sliced onions and peppers in oil for 8-10 minutes until starting to colour. 2. Add garlic and fry for one minute. 3. Add chorizo, sliced long into strips. 4. Season with salt and pepper and any herbs you may have available. 5. Add pasta and, if available, chicken stock. Simmer for 10 minutes 6. Meanwhile cook the pasta according to pack instructions in salted boiling water. 7. When cooked, add penne into the sauce, then mix and serve. Recipe by Bernie Donnelly, senior sous chef at the Pomme D'or Hotel, as featured in the Jersey Evening Post, Family Meals for a Fiver series, 11 February 2023